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Are you willing spend money on a lotto ticket for a chance at being rich?
Then why not accept a chance at eternal life for your soul at no cost to you?

Here's how:

A. Admit that God is God, and you are not. Think of the complexity of your body, and of your life. It is far too complex to have happened by chance. You do not have the power to create it by yourself. There is a Creator who owns you whether you accept Him or not.

B. Admit that you cannot achieve the perfection required to enter Heaven. Do you agree that there is evil in the world?

Understand that we do not have the power to change the sin that began with Adam. Only God can do it as we ourselves let go and accept His control in our lives.

C. Believe that Jesus died on the Cross as a sacrifice for your sin. He has paid the price for you. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

D. Ask to be cleansed, forgiven and submit your life to Christ.

If you do these steps in ernest, you will be given the gift of eternal life and your name will be written in the Book of Life. Look for a signs! You will notice that you have changed. Your life moving forward will be different from your life in the past. You will have a confidence that comes from your connection to God, and you will no longer worry or fear.

As Christians, our mission in life is to be God's Hands in the process of cleansing the earth through acceptance of Jesus Christ. The only way humans can combat the filthy evil in the world is to allow God to *USE US* in the process of helping to turn hearts to the acceptance of, and submission to Christ. As more people understand the principal of God's Grace, and accept it, the cleaner this earth becomes. As hearts turn... evil fades. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:17)

If you do not believe this stuff, then don't bother inputting your name. However, why not take a chance at eternal life? There's nothing to loose and everything to gain.

He is "Waiting On You!"
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Living for eternity has got to be better than being dead with this crazy world!
♫ Your Savior Productions ♫